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JHM C5-allroad 4.2L 0A3 6-Speed Manual Transmission Conversion-Swap Parts List. Be the first to review this product. SKU: JHM-0A3allroadV8PartsList. B6 Models - Swapping manual transmission for CVT - Hello all, IF (big IF) you do find a shop that's willing to mess around with a swap you'll get6 SPEED MANUAL Transmission Swap 04-05 Audi S4 B6 HEP - $1749.99. FOR SALE! HOME ABOUT US VIEW ALL LISTINGS POLICIES BOOKMARK NEWSLETTER FEEDBACK CONTACT Comprehensive tiptronic or manual trans to 6 speed 01E conversion kit designed for a 2002-2007 Audi B6/B7. The kit contains the following items: Overhauled A6, S6, RS6 - Tiptronic to 6 speed Manual transmission Swap DIY - OK I'll start if you have an S4, you must use the S4 6 speed diff, if you have an A6,
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